Base Template Module
This module provides the basis for templates using a set of functions as filters to modify the input. See applyFilters() for details.
Eric Bréchemier © 2011, Some Rights Reserved Legal-Box SAS © 2010-2011, All Rights Reserved
BSD License
lb. | Base Template Module |
Functions | |
applyFilters(input...,filters): any | Apply filters successively to input made of preceding arguments. |
Apply filters successively to input made of preceding arguments.
This method may be applied to several types of input, e.g. strings or DOM nodes, using different sets of filters according to expected types.
Here is a proposed solution for HTML Templates using this method. The input would be a DOM node and a data object with named properties providing values for the replacement of parameters in attributes and text nodes.
var node = element('span',{},'Welcome #name#'); applyFilters( node, { name:'John Doe' }, filters );
The first filter may implement top-down parsing in the following way:
var ELEMENT_NODE = 1; function topDownParsing(node,data,filters){ if (!node || node.nodeType!==ELEMENT_NODE){ return; } var i, length, attribute, child; for (i=0, length=node.attributes.length; i<length; i++){ attribute = node.attributes[i]; applyFilters(attribute,data,filters); } for (i=0, length=node.childNodes.length; i<length; i++){ child = node.childNodes[i]; applyFilters(child,data,filters); } }
A more specific filter may replace parameters with corresponding values:
var PARAM_REGEXP = /#([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)#/g; function replaceParams(node,data){ if ( !node || !node.nodeValue || !node.nodeValue.replace || !data ){ return; } node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace( PARAM_REGEXP, function(match,param){ return data[param]; } ); }
This is an alternate template system, using as input a string and an optional object for values of parameters to replace in the string.
var greeting = applyFilters( 'Welcome #name#', {name: 'John Doe'}, filters );
A single filter may be provided here to operate the replacement, rewriting replaceParams from the previous example to adapt it to the new input types:
function replaceParamsInString(string, data){ return string.replace(PARAM_REGEXP, function(match,param){ return data[param]; }); }
input... | variable number of arguments for input or context |
filters | array, list of function filters, ordered from least specific to most specific. Each filter will be provided the same arguments present in the call to applyFilters(). Its return value is interpreted in the following way: |
Filters are applied from last (most specific) to first (least specific). Unless processing is interrupted by a filter returning a value different from undefined, all filters will be applied in turn, in this order.