Horizon Project

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6.2 Learning Journey

Digital Awareness Committee (DAC)

The first step of the project, after the initial kick-off meeting, shall be to set up the internal Digital Awareness Committee, with at least two senior employees from each of the following departments:

The responsibilities of the department shall be to raise awareness and evaluate the efforts of the organization against digital threats, without getting involved in the development of the actual training.

The DAC shall promote these efforts in general terms, through a long-running advertising campaign described below. Part of this campaign shall aim to recruit the learning champions, a group of volunteers representative of different parts of the organization. Through interviews with the learning champions, once or twice per year, the committee shall attempt to capture the zeitgeist of the organization with regards to digital threats.

They shall report their findings with a report sent to the direction each year and a one page summary included in the annual report of the organization.

Advertising Campaign

The advertising campaign shall start at a very early stage, well before the start of the development of the actual training. It may start with an enigmatic message, introducing only visual elements of the campaign at first, later completed with catch phrases to raise awareness of digital threats and best practice against them.

The campaign may be split between printed posters with no expiration date aiming for long-term appeal, and time-limited, contextual announcements printed on flyers completed with digital media sent by email or posted on the intranet of the organization.

One such message will call for volunteer employees to come forward and champion the upcoming training.

Learning Champions

The learning champions shall be invited to brown-bag meetings, or a local equivalent, to present them the goals and the principles of the efforts against digital threats.

The first meeting shall occur before the development of the training, to gather early feedback on the proposed modus operandi, and to help the news propagate through word of mouth before the fact.

After the training has been rolled out, they may be interviewed on their own perception of the training by the development team. They will also be interviewed once or twice per year, informally, by a member of the Digital Awareness Committee.

The involvement of learning champions shall not require them to work overtime. It should be limited to no more than one hour every other month.

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